Managing Custom Purchase Fields
Beam gives you the ability to customize the fields associated with purchases created in your workspace. In this tutorial, we will show you how to customize fields for your purchases in your workspace.
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Accessing Purchase Field Configuration
1. Click Configuration in the sidebar of your Beam workspace.

2. On the configuration screen, click Entity Management.

3. Select the Purchases Entity.

4. Click on the Custom Fields tab at the top of the screen.

Creating A Custom Field
1. Click Add Field.

2. Give your new status a name and a description.

3. Select a field type.
Field types define what sort of data will be held in each field and consequently, what input UI will be presented to you when you are populating that field (e.g. if your custom field is a Date, the UI to fill that field will be a date picker).

4. If you select the Select field type, add all the selectable values that you want for that field.

5. If you want your field to only have unique values (i.e. no two purchases can have the same value for the field), toggle the Unique Field option on.
NOTE: Date and Select types cannot be configured as unique fields.

6. If you want the field to have a default value, toggle the Default Value option on and enter your desired default value in the Default Value text box.

7. Click add to complete the creation process.

Editing A Custom Field
1. Click the overflow menu next to the category that you want to edit.

2. Click Edit.

3. Edit the field.
A modal will open up with all of your selected category's attributes in editable fields.

4. When you're satisfied with your changes, click Save to complete the editing process.

Deleting A Custom Field
1. Click the overflow menu next to the field that you want to edit.

2. Click Delete.

3. Confirm the deletion by clicking delete on the ensuing modal.

Arnav Patel
Product Marketing Specialist