A new way of managing access, decommissioning assets, and checking assets in and out of Reservations added to Beam
- Data Access Attributes
- A new way of controlling access in Beam has been released, allowing attributes to be added to user groups and entities so that users can only see the data with the attributes they’ve been assigned to (or those without any attributes). Supported by Assets, Bulk Items, Tickets, Reservations, Maintenance and Purchases
- Asset Decommissioning
- Assets now retain their history and relationships when deleted (which is now called decommissioning) which is critical for historical reporting purposes and allows for knowledge to be remembered over time
- Reservations Check Status
- Check-In and Check-Out can now be related to the reservation the asset is on and can be customized to support more complex use cases.
- Ticket-to-Ticket Relationship
- It is now possible to relate tickets to one another, supporting more complex workflows
- PDF Export: Reservations Support and Template
- PDF Export: Add URL field to all supported entities
- Tickets: Added the ability to "Add to Stock" for Bulk Items
- User Experience: The "View" the user is on is now remembered when navigating the app
- User Interface: Added Module icons to help the user locate himself when opening a ticket, reservation, maintenance, or purchase
- User Experience: Filter/search used while adding an asset to a ticket (or similar) only saved while working on the ticket
- User Experience: Made it simpler to remove specific filters once selected by adding a remove button and sorting applied filters to the top
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue on tickets that prevented custom fields of type currency from being displayed
- Fixed an issue preventing access to purchase attachments
- Fixed an issue preventing asset export on inventory
- Fixed an issue with bulk item filtering
- Fixed an issue with some locations showing the wrong color
- Fixed an issue with data mismatch on exported CSVs
- Fixed an issue resulting in an undefined column when exporting the current view from inventory
- Fixed an issue with the history on Bulk Item after adding to a Reservation
- Fixed an issue on inventory after applying a filter
- Fixed an issue with exporting Reservations assets
- Fixed an issue in User Management with Group and Invited By columns overlapping their content
- Fixed an issue when saving configuration
- Fixed an issue causing multiple notifications to be sent based on the Number of Assignees
- Fixed an issue with the Asset schedule on the Asset page
Asset Schedule, and new Custom Field types
- Asset Page: Asset Schedule
- New section on the asset page showing reservations and maintenance events for the asset
- New Custom Field Type: Signature
- New Custom Field Type: Hyperlink
- Asset Import: Added support for location (including the hierarchy using the “>” separator
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with Stock Status not working as intended in Bulk Items
- Fixed an issue with Asset Relationships Dialog for Tickets
- Fixed an issue with Assets check status displaying 'empty' on Reservations
- Fixed an issue requiring a reload to show a Ticket link when adding it to an asset from a Maintenance
- Fixed an issue causing asset images to not display on Reservations and Maintenance
- Fixed an issue with an unnecessary reload on Maintenance
- Fixed an error preving bulk items to be added
- Fixed an issue with history logs in Reservations and Maintenance
- Fixed an issue with related tickets in Maintenance
- Fixed an issue preventing assignee changes from asset details dialog
- Fixed an issue resulting in the UI showing Unknown Asset after an asset import/quick add
Custom PDF Exports
- Custom PDF Exporter
- A new feature supporting fully customizable templates
- Currently supported for Tickets. Others modules coming soon
- "Lifetime Warranty" is now a supported value for Product Warranty
- Inventory Quick Actions: Now supports adding assets to new or existing Reservations
- Maintenance: Now supported on Mobile
- Tables: The position of the Add Column Button has been adjusted
Feature Parity and Usability Improvements
- Reservations: Assets table now supports Customizable Columns
- Tickets: All Assets table now supports Customizable Columns
- Reservations: Search and Filter usage when adding assets, tags, and people now saved until the reservation is created/edited
- History: Now separated the tabs on All (changes and comments), Changes(only the changelog), Comments (only comments)
- Bulk Items: Improved the auto status by renaming it to Stock Status and added tooltips to make it clearer what they mean
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with maintenance not saving locations on creation
Bulk Items and Maintenance out of Beta!
- Bulk Items V1
- Added Custom Field Support, Filter, Quick Actions, Table Configurability, and a new automatic stock status (based on Min/Max settings)
- Maintenance: Recurrence
- Possible to set a schedule for maintenances that are automatically created ahead of time
- Inventory Filter: Added a new operator “Is List” for Barcode fields, allowing a list of comma separated items to be found
- Tickets and Reservations: Now possible to customizable the related asset columns
- Reservations: Now possible to add an asset to an existing reservation from Quick Actions and Asset Page
- History: Added a Change Log and a Comments tab filtering the events accordingly
- History: Asset Checked-in/out now visible in Reservation History
- Location: Improved the asset count when adding locations to include assets nested under the main location
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where custom field of type 'barcode' shows empty on related assets table from a maintenance
- Fixed an issue preventing “barcode” fields to be filtered in Inventory
End of Month Improvements
- Custom Fields: Currency added as a new field type
- Notifications: New “Unassigned for X days” configurable alert added to Tickets
- Maintenance: Maintenance Report Status now Customizable
- Reservations: Now possible to create a reservation without adding Assets
- Data Export: Exporting All Maintenance Assets now also includes Maintenance Status
- Data Export: Purchases now supports “Export Current View”
- Data Export: Export All Assets now include assets added from Tags and Location for Reservations and Maintenance
New Quick Add, Maintenance Progress, and continued improvements
- New Quick Add
- Quick add has been reworked to no longer require a product to be selected, and allows for all fields to be added on the fly
- Maintenance: Ticket Relationships
- Ability to add a ticket for issues found with related assets while going through maintenance
- Tickets: Sorting by Custom Fields is now supported
- Vault: Added “Related to” as a column in the secrets list, listing the assets related to a secret
- Inventory: New columns Ticket/Reservation "Link" showing the tickets or reservations related to the asset
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused ticket data to be overwritten when two users were creating a ticket at the same time
- Fixed an issue preventing the combination of tags
- Fixed an issue with the visibility of events on the calendar grouped view in EST Timezone due to daylight savings
- Fixed an issue with the order of the locations when adding a location to Assets, Tickets, etc
- Fixed an issue with Activity History for Maintenance
- Fixed an issue preventing the creation of tickets from quick-actions
- Fixed an issue with exporting data out of Beam
- Fixed an issue preventing secrets from being added to the Vault
- Fixed an issue with Tag changes in Asset History not displaying correctly
- Fixed an issue with Select field data overflowing the model when opened on the asset page
Maintenance Beta, Tutorial and Custom Dashboards
- First Login Tutorial
- When users first log in to Beam, they will be greeted with a quick tutorial on Inventory Column Configuration, Quick Actions, and Filtering — including those who have already logged in before this release.
- New Module in Beta: Maintenance
- A module dedicated to preventive maintenance schedules of assets and facilities.
- Custom Dashboards
- Beam has built an integration with Grafana to deliver custom dashboards.
- New Module: Vault
- You can now store secrets and relate them to assets in Beam.
- Asset History: Related Ticket and Reservation History
- Inventory: Filter by Location is now supported
- Inventory: Ticket and Reservation Link as a Column in inventory allows you to know what is related to an asset from a glance, hover to see more details
- Asset Page: The "Return" button now behaves like a proper back button instead of arbitrarily sending the user to inventory
- Reservations: Week view can now display an “unlimited” number of events
- R2 Integration: Support pagination when adding products
Bug Fixes
- Tickets: Fixed an issue that prevented title and description from being edited
- Date Fields: Fixed an issue where the fields were being set on the day before
- Asset Page: Fixed an issue causing events not to be captured in the Asset History
- Reservations: Fixed an issue with events not displaying properly on the calendar month view
- Reservations: Fixed an issue with the destination/location dropdown for Firefox users
- Reservations: Fixed an issue where the barcode field supported on the asset section wasn’t labeled as the custom field
- Import: Fixed an issue with the importer column mapping validation for capitalized columns
- User Management: Fixed an issue where changes to a user group configuration were not being saved
- Documents: Fixed an issue where documents added from import were still visible after deleting the import
- Account Creation: Fixed an issue where a password validation was causing an error instead of displaying a helpful message to the user
- R2 Integration: Fixed an issue where the remaining results in the sync queue were not being properly fetched
Locations Improvements, general fixes and more
- Reservations: Reserve Locations with availability support
- Reservations: Added support to Group by Reserved Locations
- Locations: Added a confirmation step before assigning a location
- Locations: Improved the selection of locations by indenting the selection button together with the locations hierarchy
- Locations: When hovering over a location, the tooltip will now display the full hierarchy instead of only parent locations
- Locations: Added a shortcut for locations in Entity Management: "Add Sub-location" which opens the tag creation dialog with that location pre-filled as “hierarchy”
- Locations: Combined Location category into a hierarchy when displaying Location details
- Locations: Added a tooltip and clarified when a Location Category is empty when assigning locations
- Locations: Now support 6 levels of nesting sub-locations
- Reservations: Sorting by Custom Field is now supported
- Reservations: "Check Status" is now supported when exporting all assets from a single reservation
- Reservations: Destination is now based on Locations instead of tags
- Reservations: Barcode Custom Fields is now a default column for reserved assets on reservations
- Tickets: Closed Date is now supported as a column
- Tickets: Closed Date now supported when filtering tickets
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Ticket Board View shows wrong tickets for assignees
- Fixed a truncation issue with Locations on the Asset Page that was causing long locations to overflow on the page
- Fixed an issue causing Reservations to not show properly on the calendar when there were more reservations than fitted a given day in Month view
- Fixed an issue with exporting the current view in tickets where the applied filter was ignored
- Fixed an issue where Custom fields values not showing when adding "people" to reservations
- Fixed an issue where editing a contact removed the user's picture
- Fixed an issue preventing the assignees of a reservation to get email notifications
- Fixed an issue where the Custom Field Edit dialog was not visible when there was only one Custom Field configured
- Fixed an issue where the exported reservation ID was not the same as being displayed in the UI
- Removing a custom field will now also remove it from any user's column configuration
- Fixed an issue where tags were being duplicated when added from the spreadsheet importer
- Fixed an issue where purchases where being added with empty statuses despite a default status being configured
- Beam Lens: Fixed an issue when adding an asset with a barcode where the barcode was not assigned to the newly created asset
- Beam Lens: After adding an asset from a failed scan you’ll be redirected to the newly created asset as expected
- R2 Integration: Remove "Affects" from Updates in Products page
- R2 Integration: Cannot open updates on the Product page Updates section
- R2 Integration: Wrong Product Warranty conversion
- R2 Integration: Infinite Load on Updates section of Products Page
- R2 Integration: Manufacturers and Documents showing information of products not approved yet
Reservations and Tickets Full Mobile Support
- Reservations and Ticket Mobile Support
- Both modules should have full functionality when opened from your browser on mobile devices.
- Inventory Quick Actions: Added support to assign the new Locations to selected assets
- Tickets: Added “Export Current View”
- Reservations: Added Export Current View
- Added Assignee to Reservations
- Reservations: Customizable columns when adding Assets or People
- Reservation Custom Fields are now supported in reservation exports
- Beam Lens: It is now possible to add and assign a barcode tag to a new asset when one is not found
- Removed "Status" from Bulk Items
- Remove "Locations" as a text field from Contacts, in preparation for supporting relating the new Locations (added Aug 7th) to Contacts
- Improved the experience when adding assets via Invoice
- Dates should no longer break lines in Reservations
- Tickets and Reservation Filters: Added support to filter by Location
- Assets Importer now supports Locations
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where filtering by 'category' on Inventory didn’t return expected results
- Fixed an issue in filters where using the 'is not set' operator on asset custom fields didn’t return expected results
- Fixed an issue in filters where using the "Is not" operator on tags didn’t return expected results
- Fixed an issue resulting in no history when adding purchase request from a ticket
- Fixed an issue when loading reservations on asset page
- Fixed an issue when loading reservations when grouping by 'tag'
- Fixed an issue where nested locations would not display in Entity Management
- Fixed an issue with Contact getting duplicated
- Fixed an issue where tags not related to assets would not be selectable when reserving tags in Reservations
- Fixed an issue where creating a new ticket from an asset didn’t add the asset to the ticket
- Fixed an issue preventing some reservations from being edited
A New Way to Define Your Locations
- Locations (BETA)
- A new way to define locations is now available in Beam, define your locations with custom category support and the ability to nest locations. Supported in Assets, Tickets and Reservations
- We’ve changed how the modules are organized in our side-menu grouping modules dedicated to displaying the data Beam collects in a “Vendor Data” drawer. This is both for clarity and to give way for other modules in the future.
- The message when no results are found when searching or filtering in all modules has been changed to "no results", making it clearer what happened
- The Asset Page now supports the "Match Details" dialog, allowing users to have quicker access to changing matches if needed
- Improved the search input by making it clearer that a search has not been performed yet until confirmed by clicking on search or pressing enter
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue preventing documents from being added
- Fixed an issue where Reservations and Purchase mentions email notifications were not delivered to users
- Fixed an issue when loading tag categories
- Fixed an issue where replacement status for a ticket showed reservation statuses as options
- Fixed an issue where the wrong match was selected when changing a match
- Changing a match should now affect all assets when changing a match from the import module
- Fixed an issue with saving changes in Reservations
- Fixed an issue with reservations history when changing “booked by” and “People”
- Fixed an issue when exporting reservations
Improvements & Fixes Galore
- Quick Actions now also supports selecting only the assets on the current page
- Reorganized the items in the Configuration module with Entity Management now the default landing section
- There is now an error message when trying to delete a tag connected to a reservation
- Time in Status Alerts: A configurable tolerance for the number of days a ticket can stay in the same status before a notification is sent. Accessible from Entity Management
- Attachments are now saved if added from a ticket email responses
- History Open/Collapsed state is now persistent in Tickets and Reservations
- The Save Button on the ticket dialog should no longer hide when collapsing the history
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a Filter issue in Activity History
- Fixed an issue with Images on the asset page
- Fixed an issue preventing admins from blocking/unblocking users
- Fixed an issue resulting in Incorrect Results for 'Is Set' on Custom Field
- Fixes an issue preventing Activity History from loading
- Fixed an issue when loading assets of a tag in reservations
- Fixed an issue preventing the Asset page from loading
- Fixed an issue with Reservation history showing actions that were not made
Reservation Alerts Are Here
- Reservations: Alerts
- Reservations now support alerts for certain scenarios. These alerts can be configured to be sent to user groups of your choosing and are configurable from Entity Management. With this Reservations is officially out of Beta.
- User Group Read/Writesome text
- You now have more Access Control in Beam, allowing admins to specify read and write access for each module on the user group setting on top of the user role. The User Group access is considered first before checking the user role, this will enable users to have a higher level of access to the modules they need without interfering with others. Supported for Inventory, Tickets, Reservations, Import, Purchases, Bulk Items and Configuration
- We’ve improved the Details Dialog of Tickets and Reservations with better usage of screen size, improved sections to prevent double scrolling, and a collapsible history to allow for more space to see your details.
- The activity of items from modules users cannot see are now hidden from Activity History
- Beam will now show a warning when users try to add similar bulk items to prevent the addition of duplicates
- Improved the default fields list from Bulk Items in Entity Management
- Added a “Comments” tab in the History of Reservations to show comments only
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the "Is not set" operator not working for custom fields
- Reservation Notifications should not go to the user who made the change
- Fixed an issue where the selection of an Asset in Quick Actions was persistent after performing actions
- Fixed an issue preventing ticket email notifications from being sent
A New Way To Search Your Workspace
- Quick Find - We've added workspace-level search, giving you the ability to search for tickets, assets, reservations and purchases
- Reservation Notifications - Get notified about changes, updates and reminders associated with your reservations.
- Users as Contacts
- Tickets now support multiple contacts to be selected for “Reported By”
- Reservations now support multiple contacts to be selected for “Booked By”
- Reservations: Now displays tags without assets when adding them to the reservation
- The Asset Details dialog has been improved, it now gives more emphasis to internal data with details about the product match visible on the right-side
- The order of the Main Menu links has been updated to with more actively used modules moved up
- Asset Custom fields are now supported when using “Export Reservation Assets" from a reservation
- Assets will now have Checked-in as the default Check Status
- Every account should have one purchase category by default
Bug Fixes
- Export in inventory page is not working
- Changing roles not reflecting immediately on the backend
- Filtering by custom fields returns wrong results/ errors
- Ticket seqId does not increase in Reservations
- All Reservations have the same seqId
- Ticket Type shows old values after editing it
- Tag category count is not updating when adding/deleting a tag
- Products with long description have a clipped sidebar in product details
- Ticket Board View is not showing the correct number of tickets for an assignee
- Issue with Quick Actions - Incorrect Asset Selection for Ticket Creation
- Error loading dimensions on asset details dialog
- Deleted tags are still visible in reservations
- Conflict Failure: can Assign a tag already in use
Reservations Launch Is Approaching
- Reservations have seen a lot of updates:
- Along with group by tags, grouping by people is now supported
- We’ve made the events in the calendar change colors based on their status
- In the grouped view of a calendar, we now display more information at a glance for each event (ID#, Booked By, Destination)
- To better understand availability, we now display tags and people without reservations on grouped view
- The list view now has a column for "Assets Groups" showing the tags added to the reservation
- Inventory now supports support bulk asset Check-in and Check-out via Quick Actions
- Attachments are now supported in Reservations
- Improved the truncation point in the Reservations title to make better use of the space available
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing task changes to notify all Beam users
- Fixed an issue where disabled notifications are still being delivered to users
Small Update, Big Improvements
- Inventory now supports support bulk asset Check-in and Check-out via Quick Actions
- Attachments are now supported in Reservations
- Improved the truncation point in the Reservations title to make better use of the space available
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing task changes to notify all Beam users
- Fixed an issue where disabled notifications are still being delivered to users
Improvements to tickets and more
- The Notifications Configuration Panel has been moved from Configuration (which is now 100% dedicated to account administration) to the User Profile menu
- Tickets have been optimized when only one Ticket Type is used: We’ll no longer have a menu item for the Type, creating a ticket will no longer require type confirmation and the external ticket form will omit the ticket type input.
- We’ve reworded the Reservations and Ticket Relationships sections for clarity and to reduce repetition
- Ticket Permissions: Now only Admins will be able to delete tickets
- Tickets: We released a simple Ticket PDF Export (more iterations to come)
- R2 Integration: Now it will require users to prove an `Employee ID` before allowing the user to see any of the integration information. Additionally, we’ll use it to log actions from the integration. This added security enables the integration to be used by more users (other than admins)
- Filter V2: Reduced unnecessary calls to the server when interacting with Filters from Inventory
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue preventing attachments from being removed from a ticket
- Fixed an issue with slow performance when expanding a row in the import module if too many assets were part of the product group
- Solved a validation issue on Inventory Filter causing the feature to break the view.
More Upgrades To Reservations
- Added the following to Reservations: History, Cloning, Column Configuration, Export Reservation List to CSV, and Improved Filter Support.
- Inventory now supports caching, which should result in repeated querying returning results much faster!
- Adjusted Section Quantity and Styling in Reservations to be consistent with tickets
- Added an indicator for tag availability in Reservation creation/edit modal
- Added support for multiple Assignees for tickets
- Add Invited By to invites
- View attachments without downloading
Bug Fixes
- Fixes a bug with reservation dates after cloning
- Fixed an issue causing more than one asset to be visible from 1 creation event
- 'Mention' in activity history should no longer redirect to the inventory page
- Fixed an issue preventing the creation of new tickets from the inventory quick actions
- Fixed an issue where filters from the inventory page are visible on the bulk-items page
- Fixed an issue where R2 menus were not working
An Improved Reservations Module And More
- Reservations Custom Fields - Reservations now support custom fields to store information that's unique to your team's workflow
- Reservations: Tag group has seen UI consistency improvements
- Reservations on Asset Page: Reduced columns to improve the visibility of the most important information
- Reservations: Group by tags is now visible independently of the Week/Month selector
- Reservations: Asset Details now accessible Adding Tags and Tags section
- Vendor Data: Product Weight and Dimensions now supported as data in asset page and inventory page (as configurable columns)
- Main Menu Items now behave as weblinks allowing “open on new tab” behavior
- Ticket title now properly uses all of the available heading space before truncating
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where time on activity history is showing 24hr time with a PM/AM
- Fixed an issue where duplicates the status category were visible for reservations
- Fixed wrong matches made by importer with product name
- Fixed an issue where the wrong ticket ID was exported when exporting tickets
- Fixed an issue where the wrong status was being displayed on Status Changed email notification
- Fixed an issue where a ticket ID was getting assigned for tickets before saving, causing IDs to be “skipped”
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect equipment count and unavailability status of tags were displayed in reservation
- Asset status email notifications should now only be sent to the user assigned to the asset, before it was being sent to all users
- Fixed an issue where the wrong Product Count was being displayed for Imported files
- Fixed an issue where deleted assets were still visible in Reservations
- Fixed an issue where using "Group by Tag" was causing Reservations to crash
- Fixed an issue in the importer column validation
Reservations & Bulk Items In Beta
Today we are excited to launch two new modules to beta
The Reservations Module
Reservations have been one of the most requested features since we launched Beam, and makes sense why. At Beam, we believe that an integrated approach to asset management produces better results and project management has been a missing piece in that puzzle for us. The Reservations module fixes that.
With the Reservations module, you can:
- Schedule and track equipment usage.
- View reservations simple calendar view.
- Link assets (and all their associated data) to reservations
- Make double booking a thing of the past with an in-built availability manager
The Bulk Items Module
Not everything in your inventory needs a full fledged inventory listing. But it still needs to be tracked. Even something as basic as a roll of tape, needs to be in stock and you need
With the Bulk Items you can:
- Track accessories and consumable.
- Monitor stock levels of bulk items
- Add stock items to equipment reservations
Ticket Optimizations Galore
- Adjusted Quick Actions status update to allow status note to be set as well
- Allowed for tickets to be created with an empty status
- Enhanced ticket import functionality to allow for “closed date”
- Improved Ticket Board View when no tickets are assigned to user
- Added Delete option to Purchases option menu
Bug Fixes
- Fixed ticket board count issue
- Fixed error while adding selectable values in Custom Field
- Fixed errors associated with how purchase links were showing (or not showing) on Ticket Details dialog
- Fixed issue where the tickets section of dashboard was crashing the app
- Fixed error with Filter by Date in Tickets
- Fixed error where status chances were not being reflected in activity history.
Better ticket filters, more useful asset search and more
- Added ability to filter by status for tickets and purchases
- Added the ability to search assets by barcode custom fields
- Added link to documentation in Help & Resources menu
- Fixed “See in Inventory” button in the Import Module
- Adjusted import module so that when choosing "Not my product" for an Approximate match, "Find Match" menu automatically opens up
- Fixed sort functionality for file details view in data import
- Added the ability to specify Created Date when importing Tickets and Purchases
- Fixed export all assets functionality so that custom fields are also exported
- Fixed priority field in purchases to display correct values
- Fixed error with user invites not being sent
- Fixed bugs associated with clearing filters on inventory page
- Fixed form validation issues associated with creating new ticket statuses
- Fixed Data Import module to reflect Quick Added Assets
- Fixed delete ticket button to respond quicker to being clicked
- Fixed ticket types so that when a status is deleted, statuses from other ticket types are not shown as replacement options
- Fixed ticket count on the asset page
A New Way To Manage Contacts
Contacts are now a new entity type (akin to tickets and assets) in the Beam workspace. These new contact entities can be set up in your Account Configuration and be reference-able across Beam modules, making it easier to associate assets and tickets with the people who care most about them.
Why we're making this change
In short, to make collaboration easier. Asset Management and Service Management are team sports, and having a way to tag your teammates with assets and tickets that are relevant to them makes for better communication and more seamless collaboration. This functionality is especially useful to collaborate with stakeholders who don’t work at your organization and don’t have Beam user profiles to reference (think vendor account managers, manufacturer contacts, etc.).
Getting Started
To learn more about the new Contacts entity, check out our documentation on the feature.
Added Purchase Functionality, UI Improvements, and More
New Functionality
- Added ability to set a primary currency so that I can track costs in one currency.
- Enabled Tickets to use ticker number as a studio-specific numbering scheme instead of a primary key.
- Added custom field type for numbers.
- Removed unused custom field types and configuration.
- Fixed the way approximate match is displayed under identification status.
- Changed the way multiple tags are separated in exported CSVs from "&" to ",".
- Simplified the way tickets are displayed on asset pages.
- Changed the location of the clear button in inventory filters.
- Changed Inventory asset table so that checkbox selector and asset image are fixed on side scroll.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where "Draft" tickets are visible from the board view but not the list view
- Fixed issue where department and category fields were not displaying correctly in the conflict resolution approval window.
- Fixed issue allowing the change of Custom Field Type in Configuration of new entities, even when the custom field is in use.
- Fixed issue preventing contacts from being connected with Assets during Onboarding.
- Fixed identification issue where updating inventory product to identified status does not correctly reflect as identified.
- Fixed issue where "Open History" was not functioning in the activity history module.
- Fixed issue preventing ticket creation through an external form.
- Fixed inconsistency between Task and Ticket's history time date format and the asset details page history time date format.
- Fixed the Quick Add issue in Onboarding.
- Fixed issue where Purchase Category doesn't get added when creating a new purchase.
- Fixed issue where new Ticket #s were not searchable from the search bar.